Orgmode Blogging
Writing a blog is relatively difficult in html, because all the overly long tag syntax would drive you crazy and potentially lose your thought of what you are writing about. How about writing it in markdown(a lightweight markup language)? Surely it will save a lot of time, but if you use GNU Emacs, you would know that org files are just superior than markdown ones.
So I started to configure my org setup since my last post. It was actually so difficult to get the org file translated into html. The reason for this is that Emacs, though being a tool of the beast, has its own quirks. The Swiss-army-knife-like nature of Emacs made it a dependency hell, as newer versions might break its other tools. In particular, the "htmlize" package was not usable until hours upon hours of me tinkering with it. But I got it to work!
With htmlizing my org files out of the way, I am working on creating my own blogs on my own website.
I would like to configure org-mode in Emacs in the future even more so to make my blogging life easier than it is now.